Car Parking Multiplayer


Aktuelle Version: || 26.07.2024 (Beta)

Vorherige Version: || 03.07.2024 (Official)

Aktuelle Version: 2.5.4 || 03.07.2024

Vorherige Version: 2.5.3 || 22.05.2024

Aktuelle Version: || 28.06.2024

Vorherige Version: || 26.06.2024



What’s new

Version: – Release

  1. Mercedes GL 6×6
  2. Skyline

Available Cars: 167

FOG: fog not covering skybox fixed
Optimization: new LODs for trees
Traffic Car AI fixes
General Car fixes
Minor Bug fixes

  1. Clan: Added a feature to give permission to apply logo changes
  2. Clan: Player’s ID added for owner and permission holder
  3. Animations: Pair Animations added
  4. Handbrake: drag and hold feature added
  5. Sound: All American car’s default sound updated
  6. Sound: All Japan car’s default sound updated
  7. Sound: New Turbo sounds
  8. Sound: New Truck Stop sounds
  9. Sound: New custom engine sounds
  10. Police Sirens: turn off the sound in multiplayer feature added
  1. Environment update: New Location – Countryside
  2. Main water texture updated
  3. Sit and exit animations added on 2 cars
  4. Updated blinkers and brake lights for all cars

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